Cahaba Valley Elks Lodge 1738

American Village

American Village Christmas Lunch and Tours – December 2023

The Cahaba Valley Elks Lodge #1738 of Pelham, Alabama, using an Alabama Elks Trust $2500 grant, provided a premier American Village visiting experience to 8 Cahaba Valley Elks and the following local outreach service organizations:  My Sister’s Place, First Fruits Ministries and the house parents from the King’s Home.  The 65 guest guests participated in an American Village Christmas Lunch and Tours Program.  

During the delicious lunch, everyone met Mrs. Eliza Hamilton, wife of Alexander Hamilton, who entertained guests with stories of her life and her famous husband’s experiences during the war in 1776 and beyond. The program next led the guests outside for a tour of the 1776 village area and a glimpse into the lives of ordinary men and women at Christmastime, who contributed to America’s fight for freedom in their own individual ways during the Revolution. Visitors also heard stories of individuals from America’s past who persevered through the hardships of the American Revolutionary War.

Picture of Elks:  Left to Right—Cherie Huey, Tiler; Leon Johnston, Secretary; Norma Rogers, member; Sharon Gaydon, PER and Trustee; Bruce Monical, Past State President/PER/Trustee.