Cahaba Valley Elks Lodge 1738

Youth Banquet – 2023

CVEL held their annual Youth Banquet on May 1, 2023.

Americanism Essay Recognition

Cahaba Valley Elks Lodge No 1738 recognizes outstanding Americanism essay writing done by local 5th, 6th and 7th grade students. The 2023 theme was “What is Your Amercan Dream?” Pelham Park Middle School’s Coach Wheeler’s 7th grade student, Jaaziel Alvarez, won first place at the state level of the competition and will be participating in the national level of the Elks Grand Lodge competition.

Pictured from left to right: Coach Wheeler, Jaaziel Alvarez, CVEL Loyal Knight Greg Ponder.

Grand Lodge Scholarship Recognition

The Cahaba Valley Elks Lodge presents a $4000 Grand Lodge Scholarship Award to Sophie Li of Mountain Brook High and a $2500 Award to Kennedy Jones of Tuscaloosa’s Hillcrest High.

Sophia and Scholarship Chairperson Robert Shinpaugh.

Kennedy and Scholarship Chairperson Robert Shinpaugh.

JROTC Recognition

The Cahaba Valley Elks Lodge initiated its recognition program for Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps cadets in Shelby County Schools. This CVEL Youth Program serves to recognize cadets who have proven him or herself to be a true leader in Academic Achievement, as well as Community Service Projects, and one who maintains the highest standards of performance in all fields of endeavor.  This year’s winner is Cadet Major Jacob Carter from Vincent High School.

JROTC Chairperson Sharon Gaydon and Cadet Major Jacob Carter.